
This module define the Fourier class and other functions related to the fourier transformation.

class javelin.fourier.Fourier[source]

The Fourier class contains everything required to calculate the diffuse scattering. The only required thing to be set is javelin.fourier.Fourier.structure. There are defaults for all other options including grid, radiation, average structure subtraction and lots options.

>>> from javelin.structure import Structure
>>> fourier = Fourier()
>>> fourier.structure = Structure()
>>> print(fourier)
Structure         : Structure(False, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=1.0, alpha=90.0, beta=90.0, gamma=90.0)
Radiation         : neutron
Fourier volume    : complete crystal
Aver. subtraction : False

Reciprocal layer  :
lower left  corner :     [0 0 0]
lower right corner :     [1 0 0]
upper left  corner :     [0 1 0]
top   left  corner :     [0 0 1]

hor. increment     :     [ 0.01  0.    0.  ]
vert. increment    :     [ 0.    0.01  0.  ]
top   increment    :     [0 0 1]

# of points        :     101 x 101 x 1
>>> results = fourier.calc()
>>> print(results) 
<xarray.DataArray 'Intensity' ([1 0 0]: 101, [0 1 0]: 101, [0 0 1]: 1)>
array([[[ 0.],
        [ 0.],
        [ 0.],
        [ 0.]],

       [[ 0.],
        [ 0.],
        [ 0.],
        [ 0.]],

       [[ 0.],
        [ 0.],
        [ 0.],
        [ 0.]],

       [[ 0.],
        [ 0.],
        [ 0.],
        [ 0.]]])
  * [1 0 0]  ([1 0 0]) float64 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 ...
  * [0 1 0]  ([0 1 0]) float64 0.0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 ...
  * [0 0 1]  ([0 0 1]) float64 0.0
    units:    r.l.u

This sets the options of calculating the approximate scattering instead of exact. This is much quicker and is likely good enough for most cases.

Getter:Returns bool of approximate scattering option
Setter:Sets whether approximate sacttering is calculated

This sets the options of calculating average structure and subtracted it from the simulated scattering

Getter:Returns bool of average structure subtraction option
Setter:Sets whether average stucture is subtracted

Calculates the fourier transform

Returns:DataArray containing calculated diffuse scattering
Return type:xarray.DataArray

Calculates the scattering from the avarage structure

Returns:DataArray containing calculated average scattering
Return type:xarray.DataArray
grid = None

The grid attribute defines the reciprocal volume from which the scattering will be calculated. Must of type javelin.grid.Grid And check javelin.grid.Grid for details on how to change the grid.


The size of lots

Getter:Returns the lots size
Setter:Sets the lots size
Type:list of 3 integers or None

This sets the options of calculating the magnetic scattering instead of nuclear. This assume neutrons are being used.

Getter:Returns bool of magnetic scattering option
Setter:Sets whether magnetic sacttering is calculated

The number of lots to use

Getter:Returns the number of lots
Setter:Sets the number of lots

The radiation used

Getter:Returns the radiation selected
Setter:Sets the radiation
Type:str (‘xray’ or ‘neutron’)

The structure from which fourier transform is calculated. The calculation work with any of the following types of structures javelin.structure.Structure, ase.Atoms or diffpy.Structure.structure.Structure but if you are using average stucture subtraction or the lots option it needs to be javelin.structure.Structure type.

Getter:Returns the structure
Setter:Sets the structure
Type:javelin.structure.Structure, ase.Atoms, diffpy.Structure.structure.Structure
javelin.fourier.create_xarray_dataarray(values, grid)[source]

Create a xarry DataArray from the input numpy array and grid object.

  • values (numpy.ndarray) – Input array containing the scattering intensities
  • numbers (javelin.grid.Grid) – Grid object describing the array properties

DataArray produced from the values and grid object

Return type:


javelin.fourier.get_ff(atomic_number, radiation, q=None)[source]

Returns the form factor for a given atomic number, radiation and q values

  • atomic_number (int) – atomic number
  • radiation (str) – type of radiation (‘xray’ or ‘neutron’)
  • q (float, list, numpy.ndarray) – value or values of q for which to get form factors

form factors for given q

Return type:

float, numpy.ndarray

>>> get_ff(8, 'neutron')
>>> get_ff(8, 'xray', q=2.0)
>>> get_ff(8, 'xray', q=[0.0, 3.5, 7.0])
array([ 7.999706  ,  4.38417867,  2.08928068])
javelin.fourier.get_mag_ff(atomic_number, q, ion=0, j=0)[source]

Returns the j0 magnetic form factor for a given atomic number, radiation and q values

  • atomic_number (int) – atomic number
  • q (float, list, numpy.ndarray) – value or values of q for which to get form factors
  • ion (int) – charge of selected atom
  • j (int) – order of spherical Bessel function (0, 2, 4 or 6)

magnetic form factor for given q

Return type:

float, numpy.ndarray

>>> get_mag_ff(8, q=2, ion=1)
>>> get_mag_ff(26, q=[0.0, 3.5, 7.0], ion=2)
array([ 1.        ,  0.49729671,  0.09979243])
>>> get_mag_ff(26, q=[0.0, 3.5, 7.0], ion=4)
array([ 0.9997    ,  0.58273549,  0.13948496])
>>> get_mag_ff(26, q=[0.0, 3.5, 7.0], ion=4, j=4)
array([ 0.       ,  0.0149604,  0.0759222])